White Bear Lake, MN driver had his OWI-3rd charge amended to an OWI-2nd after Attorney Nero successfully collaterally attacked a prior Minnesota DWI conviction.
River Falls, WI, driver had his OWI-1st with a Refusal – which would have resulted in 1-year job loss and CDL disqualification – amended to a Reckless Driving after Attorney Nero convinced the prosecutor that she could not meet his burden.
Hudson, WI, driver had his OWI-1st charge amended to a Reckless Driving after Attorney Nero convinced the prosecutor that he could not meet his burden because his client was below a 0.08 at the time of driving.
Janesville, WI, driver had his OWI-2nd charge – which would have resulted in permanent job loss and CDL disqualification – amended to misdemeanor disorderly conduct after Attorney Nero convinced the prosecutor, over a period of several months, that it was the right thing to do.
Fridley, MN, man charged with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia had his case dismissed after Attorney Nero convinced an Assistant District Attorney that convictions would be unjust.
Waukesha, WI, driver had his OWI-1st charge amended to an absolute sobriety violation after Attorney Nero convinced the prosecutor that they could not meet their burden of proving a BAC of 0.08 or above.
Arrested for DUI? Contact us immediately to secure expert defense and protect your rights.